Samstag, 10. Juni 2023

Bizarrer Streit zwischen Karmelitinnen und texanischem Bischof

Bistum zeigt angebliche Fotos von Cannabis-Produkten im Karmel

Klosterstreit in Texas: Jetzt auch noch Drogenvorwürfe gegen Nonnen
Arlington ‐ Der Streit um ein Karmelitinnenkloster in den USA nimmt immer groteskere Züge an: Nun hat Bischof Olson die Nonnen bei der Polizei angezeigt: Angeblich gibt es große Mengen an Drogen bei den Schwestern – und davon sogar Fotos., 09.06.2023


Fort Worth bishop dismisses Carmelite mother superior in latest in Texas monastery-diocese dispute

Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, issued a decree Thursday dismissing Reverend Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach from religious life following a nearly six-week-long investigation into an alleged sexual affair involving a priest.
CNA, Jun 2, 2023

Bishop Michael Olson, Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, now under criminal investigation
According to a release, the investigation is looking into the actions taken by Olson and those in the Fort Worth diocese under his control relating to the Discalced Carmelite Mother Superior and Nuns at the Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington.
FOX 26 Houston, June 7, 2023

Texas bishop faces criminal probe after storming into convent and banishing Mother Superior for 'violating her vow of chastity with a priest' - but he fires back accusing nuns of smoking pot in the monastery
  • Arlington Police confirmed they are investigating Bishop Michael Olson's actions
  • He stormed into monastery in May accusing prioress of adultery with a priest
  • Olson fired back Thursday accusing nuns of using marijuana in the monastery


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